My good friend PixelFish linked to this quiz on her livejournal, and apparently, I’ve got high probability of Asperger syndrome.
Your Aspie score: 152 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 48 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
Now isn’t that just lovely?
(I wonder if there’s a scholarship for that… :D)
More seriously, though, it felt like a lot of the questions were written just for me, which of course is to be expected considering the large VOLUME of questions they pose in this “little” quiz.
But it was a lot about stuff like trouble focusing, knowing when it’s your turn to speak on the phone, trouble with small-talk, etc.
Honestly, I’ve probably got a bit of Asperger, but I wouldn’t say it’s as bad as the above image seems to make out. (At least my obsession with all things computers actually goes somewhere… which isn’t to say it’s not the result of Aspergers, because it certainly does fit many of the qualifications… :P)
One question that really made me laugh was about talking to people about your interests whether they care or not, and it’s funny because I do that all the time!
“Quizzie thing here:”
For more info about Asperger, see Wikipedia’s Asperger syndrome article.
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1) PixelFish commented 28th October 2007 at 08:30:37 pm:
That’s why we have blogs….so we can talk about the stuff that interests us, and theoretically that small portion of the world with the same interests will show up. Eventually.
2) Tianon commented 28th October 2007 at 09:11:52 pm:
Yeah… Maybe, someday.